
Louis O. Kelso Fellowships at the Rutgers Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership

EOF Executive Series

For the past four years, the Employee Ownership Foundation has funded the National ESOP Employee Survey through Louis O. Kelso Fellowships at the Rutgers Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing.

Using the data collected, the Foundation partnered with Rutgers to begin a yearlong series of academic inquiry that explores different questions that current and prospective ESOP executives and employees face. Now available is a selection of questions and key findings, as prepared by Louis B. Kelso Fellow, Jungook Kim.

ESOP Formation Videos: Business Succession Planning

Business Succession: Introduction to ESOPs

Every company that successfully transitions to employee ownership through an ESOP is surrounded by smart advisors. We gathered just a few of these advisors to talk to you about what an ESOP is, how an ESOP company is structured, and more.

Employee Ownership is an extraordinary opportunity that should be available to everyone

When employee owned businesses prosper, everyone shares in the rewards.

Businesses grow and gain competitive advantage, employees become stakeholders and grow their wealth, and local economies gain valuable services and stable jobs.

Since 1991, we’ve been on a mission to show the world how exceptional we all can be when work—and all of its reward—become a shared experience.

Donations fund all of our efforts

The Employee Ownership Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the employee ownership model of business. We promote employee ownership to the public and catalyze independent, academic research about the issues those businesses face. Our activities help spark and nurture action among business owners and leaders, policy makers, employees, and the media. Our goal is for more employees to have an ownership stake in the businesses where they work and for these types of businesses to be rewarded in the market.

Contribution FAQs

  • Help company owners learn about the option of selling their businesses to their employees.
  • Pay for practical research aimed at helping existing employee owned firms excel.
  • Fund programs and academic fellowships.
  • Are fully tax deductible.


Upcoming events
Jul 31, 2024 6:45 am EDT
Ohio/Kentucky Chapter - 2024 Thoroughbred Conference
Jul 31, 2024 8:00 am AKDT
Northwest Chapter - 2024 Let's Talk ESOPs - Alaska
Jul 31, 2024 10:00 am MDT
Northwest Chapter - 2024 Let's Talk ESOPs - Montana
Aug 01, 2024 11:30 am HST
Hawaii Chapter - 2024 Summer Lunch & Learn
Aug 01, 2024 4:00 pm CDT
Wisconsin Local Social 2024 - Appleton

Leading in an ownership setting: the program for ceos

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This unique program helps top executives maximize their ESOPs by fostering employee owner engagement and participation that impacts the company’s bottom line.

This intensive two-week program offers an unparalleled opportunity to learn with and from other ESOP executives, forming relationships and networks that last long after the program ends. (The program facilitates ongoing networking for program alumni.)

This program is for current CEOs or Presidents of ESOP companies, or their designated successors.

The EOP/UPENN program will take place in sequential sessions. Participants should attend both sessions.

Employee Ownership is the new American Dream. When you own a stake in the company where you work, you have an unbeatable opportunity to build a better tomorrow for yourself and your family.

- Jim Bonham, President, Employee Ownership Foundation



The Edmunson Scholarship, which helps defray the cost of sending non-management employee owners to programs that promote and offer education on employee ownership.

The scholarship can be used at events offered by the Employee Ownership Foundation or The ESOP Association.

Several scholarships are awarded each year, and companies can split the award between two employee owners.

For updates, please visit our Edmunson Scholarship page.